C1695M-B (11/08) 77
Alarm notification
Allows you to customize how each user responds to an alarm.
• Sound Notification: Enables sound notification in response to an alarm event.
• Snooze: Allows you to set an alarm snooze time. When enabled, the DVR5100
displays an “Alarm Received” message each time an alarm occurs. If you select
Snooze, the alarm occurrence disappears from the window, and the snooze action (by
default, 10 minutes) is recorded in the system log. After a delay, the alarm notification
reappears with a clock icon indicating that the alarm was previously snoozed.
• Display warning for alarms with severity: Allows you to select the severity for
each alarm. The severity determines how alarms are announced and which users
receive the announcement. Options include Minor, Normal, Major, and Critical. This
feature is disabled by default.
See description
Table AD. Logs Settings
Setting Description Default Setting
Delete log entries
Two controls are provided for this option:
• Check box that allows you to enable or disable deletion of log entries.
• Days box that allows you to select the time period when system logs are deleted. By
default, entries are deleted from the log after 30 days.
30 days
Log level
• All messages: Select this option if you want all messages written to the system log.
Writing all messages to the system log means that it can grow very large. Consider pruning
the log more frequently than 30 days if you choose this option.
• Operating messages only: These messages track normal operations in the system and
are useful for tracking regular system activity.
• Debugging messages: These messages can help you solve problems related to devices
or the network.
Operating messages
Table AE. Logs Search Settings
Setting Description Default Setting
The start and stop date range can be selected by typing the desired date, or by using the up
and down arrows.
The start and stop time range can be selected by typing the desired date, or by using the up
and down arrows.
Allows you to search for the following filter types:
Device types: “All devices,” “Alarrm Array,” Camera, DVR, Encoder, Relay Array, and
Virtual Alarm Array
Alarms types: “All alarm types,” “Alarms (inputs),” “Diagnostic alarms,”
“ All devices”
“All alarm types”
Table AC. Users Settings (2 of 2)
Setting Description Default Setting