4 C1547M (7/03)
b. Remove the current System Manager program:
(1) In the Windows taskbar, click the Start button.
(2) Highlight Settings and then click Control Panel.
(3) Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
(4) For a PC running Windows 95/98/NT: On the Install/Uninstall tab, click the System Manager 9760 program
and then click the Add/Remove button. A dialog box appears indicating the progress of the removal of the
System Manager program. When removal of the System Manager program completes, click the OK button.
For a PC running Windows 2000 or XP: Click Change or Remove Programs. In the Currently installed
programs box, click the System Manager 9760 program and then click the Remove button. At the system
prompt asking you whether you are sure you want to remove the System Manager program, click Yes. The
System Manager program is removed.
NOTE: If, during the removal of the System Manager program, Confirm File Deletion boxes appear asking you to
remove shared .dll files, click Yes. Then continue with the removal of the System Manager program.
c. Install version 8.03.012 of the System Manager program.
6. Using the READ utility of the System Manager program, load the current configuration files using the floppy disk from
step 4c into the System Manager database. The configuration files are upgraded to version 8.03.012 in the System
Manager database. (For information about the READ utility, refer to the CM9760-MGR System Management Software
Installation/Operation manual.)
7. Using the WRITE utility of the System Manager program, copy the new version of configuration files to a floppy disk. To
prevent overwriting the old version of configuration files,
do not use the same floppy disk that was used in step 4c.
the new version of configuration files to a different floppy disk, and label the disk using a unique name. Note that you
will need to use the disk containing the new version of configuration files later in this procedure as directed.
(For information about the WRITE utility, refer to the CM9760-MGR System Management Software Installation/Operation
8. Using the AT-compatible keyboard attached to the CC1, do the following:
a. At the C:\9740 prompt, rename the CM9740.EXE file to CM9740.OLD by entering:
rename cm9740.exe cm9740.old
b. Verify that the CM9740.EXE file was renamed to CM9740.OLD by entering:
c. Delete the existing configuration files by entering:
del filename.xxx
is the configuration file name and
is the extension of the file name (mon, cam, mac, scp, alm,
gpi, pin, sym, lcm, or idn). For example, if the file name is test, then the commands used to delete configuration
files are as follows:
del test.mon
del test.cam
del test.mac
del test.scp
del test.alm
del test.gpi
del test.pin
del test.sym
del test.lcm
del test.idn
CAUTION: Do not delete the test.bat file. If you delete the test.bat file, the 9740 system will not start
when it is rebooted.