
4 Pelco Manual C842M (9/96)
Figure 2. Installation Configuration and Pin Mapping for 4/8 Alarm Inputs-VA6000 Alarm Breakout Panel
Alarm Pin-outs 1-8/VA6000
Rear Panel Connector
ALM # 15-Pin Female Conn. on Switcher
Pin Numbers
11 1
22 3
33 5
44 7
55 9
66 11
77 13
88 15
not used 9 2 (not used)
not used 10 4 (not used)
K1 - NO 11 6
K1 -COM 12 8
K1 - NC 13 10
Ext.Trig. 14 12
Comm 15 14
J2 Header Pin-out on Alarm Breakout
for VA6000
The table below lists the pin-out relationship between the alarm panel header, J2, and the 15-pin connec-
tor on the rear of the VA6000 switcher for 8 input alarms. The pattern serves equally well for VA models
with 4 input alarms: the first 4 Pin Numbers correspond to like numbered ALM numbers, with pins 5-10
unused and pins 11-15 serving the same functions as in the 8 input VA6000 Switcher model.
Pin Numbers