Pelco Manual C673M (2/01) 67
No. Commands Functions Status After Normal Explanation of Status
99 SM*#1 Daylight saving setting RC#2EX#2 Command received and carried
* : 0=OFF, 1=ON, 2=AUTO out
100 SM?#1 Inquiry about daylight saving setting RC#2SM*#2 * =0=OFF, 1=ON, 2=AUTO OFF,
101 RS?#1 Inquiry about repeat rec times RC#2RS***#2 *** : 000-200
or or
RC#2RSOVER#2 OVER (more than 201 times)
102 TL*#1 Tape length setting RC#2EX#2 Command received and carried
* : 0=T-120, 1=T-160 out
103 TL?#1 Inquiry about tape length setting RC#2TL*#2 *=Same as item 102
104 LP?#1 Inquiry about tape remaining time RC#2LP*
#2 *
: Hour, **
: Minute
105 TF**
,Time and date search (forward) setting RC#2EX#2 Command received and carried
#1 **
: Day, **
: Hour, **
: Minute out
106 TB**
,Time and date search (reverse) setting Same as above Same as above
#1 **
: Day, **
: Hour, **
: Minute
107 TS?#1 Inquiry about time and date search RC#2TS**
#2 **
: Day, **
: Hour,
setting **
: Minute
108 MQ*#1 Video mode setting RC#2EX#2 Command received and carried
* : 1=B/W, 2=AUTO out
109 SB1#1 Inquiry about video mode RC#2SQ*#2 *=Same as item 108
110 MM*#1 Menu language selection RC#2EX#2 Command received and carried
* : 0=English, 1=French, 2=Spanish out
111 SB3#1 Inquiry about selected menu language RC#2SP*#2 *=Same as item 110
8=Language is not selected
112 RN?#1 Inquiry about recording/BNC mode, RC#2EX#2 * : 0=SP, 2=EP
113 SV?#1 Inquiry about recording format RC#2SV*#2 * : 0=VHS, 2=Super resolution
114 HL**
, Holiday set up setting RC#2EX#2 Command received and carried
#1 **
: Position no. 01-20, **
: Month, out
115 EH**#1 Clearing holiday set up setting Same as above Same as above
** : Position no. 01-20
116 HC*#1 Inquiry about holiday set up setting RC#2HC**
: Month, **
: Day
on line 01 to 05 **
* : Line no. 01-05 **
117 CG*#1 Clog detection ON/OFF RC#2EX#2 Command received and carried out
* : 0=OFF, 1=ON
118 CG?#1 Inquiry about clog detection setting RC#2CG*#2 * : 0=OFF, 1=ON
119 HR#1 Super resolution ON/OFF RC#2EX#2 Command received and carried out
120 HR0#1 Super resolution OFF Same as above Same as above
121 HR1#1 Super resolution ON Same as above Same as above
122 HR?#1 Inquiry about super resolution setting RC#2HR*#2 * : 0=OFF, 1=ON