1.1 Incoming Call Features
20 Feature Guide
[Programming Example of DIL Table]
The table can be programmed for each trunk.
Tenant number and VPS trunk group number can also be assigned in the DIL table. Tenant
number is used to determine the time mode (day/lunch/break/night) for the corresponding
trunk. VPS trunk group number is used in Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration ( 1.23.3
Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration).
If a trunk call is received from trunk 01;
In Day mode
: CLI is enabled. Route to CLI destination.
In Lunch mode
: CLI is disabled. Route to DIL destination, extension 100.
Feature Guide References Calling Line Identification (CLI) Distribution
2.2.4 Time Service
Trunk No.
Day Lunch Break Night Day Lunch Break Night
01 Enable Disable Enable Disable 101 100 101 100
02 Enable Disable Disable Disable 102 100 102 100
: ::::::::
DIL 1:1 Destination [450]