SP / TC / GT
stereo (TRS) plug can be used with the Tip & Ring tied togeth-
er to access the channel signal pre-EQ).
Internal Oscillator
The GT master section has a 1 kHz internal oscillator. This
oscillator can be used as signal source to run tests, diagnostics
or calibrations. The oscillator can be assigned to all Groups,
Auxes and Matrices via the Talkback assignment switches.
Lamp Dim Control
This control adjusts the brightness of whatever lighting devices
are plugged into the XLR sockets on the light bar.
Left Meter
This ten segment LED meter normally displays the signal level
of the Left output. If any signal is in PFL mode, then this meter
displays that signal instead.
LF Peak/Shelve Switch
This switch is used for switching the low frequency EQ control
between the normal shelving setting to a peak setting.
Line Input Jack
This is a balanced, high impedance input which is designed to
accept both balanced and unbalanced line level inputs. To
select this input source, press the front panel LINE switch. See
the Connections and Conventions section in the front of the
manual for specific information on plug polarity and signal
Line Switch
This switch, when depressed, selects the balanced Line Input
as opposed to the default balanced XLR Mic input.
Local Monitor Level Control
This control adjusts the level of the signal to the Local Monitor
Outputs on the back of the Master Section.
Matrix Level Control
These controls adjust the amount of group, L/R or Mono signal
fed to the respective matrix.
Matrix Master Control
These controls adjust the final signal level for the associated
matrix output.
Matrix Pre/Post Switch
This switch switches the group, L/R or Mono matrix send
between pre and post fader.
Mono Bus Assign Switch
Assigns the input signal directly to the Mono Clean bus. This
signal is unaffected by the position of the Pan Control, but is
controlled by the level position of the fader. Signal may be
assigned to this bus when you wish to assign this input signal
to the Mono output without going through the Stereo section of
the mixer. In addition to the many mono output uses, this out-
put can be used as an additional Effect Send.
Mute Switch
Turns off all send functions (except insert send) of the module
including those being used as monitors. (Monitor Mute may be
defeated internally - See your service facility for further infor-
mation.) This switch does not affect the PFL switch or the
Peak and Signal Present LED indicators, enabling monitoring
of input channel activity regardless of mute switch position.
The LED illuminates when the channel is muted, either from
the local mute switch or from any activated mute group.
PAD Switch
This -15dB pad attenuates the signal presented to the first stage
of the input module. It is important to note that the Pad Switch
acts only upon the balanced XLR input signal; it has no effect
upon the 1/4" input signal.The input GAIN control should be
positioned somewhere within its center 80% of travel. In the
event that the Gain control is set in its lower 10% of travel, and
the Peak LED is indicating more than an occasional short illu-
mination, the PAD Switch should be depressed and the Gain
re-adjusted as above. In the case where the GAIN control is set
to its upper range of travel (3 o’clock position or above) with
the PAD switch depressed, the Gain Control should initially be
lowered and the PAD switch released. The gain should then be
increased and adjusted as above.
Pan Control
When operating a stereo sound system or recording, this con-
trol positions the image anywhere within the stereo spectrum
when the Left/Right assignment switch is depressed. When
signal is being sent to a subgroup, the pan control acts as part
of the assignment system. Full counter clockwise assigns sig-
nal to the odd numbered mix bus and full clockwise assigns the
signal to the even numbered mix bus. Subgroups may also be
used as stereo pairs in which case this control functions the
same as when assigned to the Left/Right bus.
When the pan is in its center position, signal is fed equally to
the odd (left) and even (right) mix buses. When used in stereo
applications, the channel signal may be located anywhere with-
in the stereo image as controlled by the Pan control.
PEAK LED Indicator
Illuminates RED when any of the points monitored come with-
in 3db of its clipping point. Occasional quick blinking of this
LED is normal under proper operation; when this LED illumi-
nates noticeably, a correction should be made in the level con-
trol feeding that position to a point where this illumination is
reduced to the normal occasional flashing. It should be noted
that certain musical instruments produce very high levels of
peak response that are far above the average output levels of
these instruments. These include portions of any drum kit, but
most notably the bass drum and snare drum. It is considered
almost normal practice on these instruments to set the input
gain control to a point when the Red Peak LED is just firing
with nearly every hit of the drum.
This LED also serves as a PFL ON indicator, but at a much
lower intensity than when it is used to indicate a near overload
PFL Switch
The PFL (Pre Fader Listen) switch enables the operator to lis-
ten to the channel signal before the fader or main channel level
control, allowing for monitoring within the master section of
the console. This signal IS NOT affected by the Channel Mute
Switch. When this switch is depressed, the signal level can be