
4-2 Using the Magnetic Card Reader
Syntax ESC-<cmdmc>-#timer#-<tracks>-CR
ESC Starts the command language.
<cmdmc> Magnetic card command. Enter M. Prepares the
reader for a magnetic card swipe. The reader’s
LED turns on when the printer receives this
command, indicating it is waiting for the user to
swipe the card. On a successful swipe, the LED
turns off.
#timer# Sets the reader’s timer. If the user does not swipe
the card through the reader before the timer runs
out, an error occurs. Values are 00-99 (seconds).
00 disables the timer.
<tracks> The combination of tracks to read.
1 Track 1 only.
2 Track 2 only.
3 Track 3 only.
4 Tracks 1 and 2 together.
5 Tracks 2 and 3 together.
6 Tracks 1, 2, and 3 together.
CR Carriage return.
The reader responds to the read command with:
#trck# Track indicator. Values are %/1/ (track 1), ;/2/
(track 2), and +/3/ (track3).
(data) The data read from the card. This field can be
empty. If an error occurs, this field contains an E
character and the error message text (see ”Error
? End of track character.
CR-LF-NAK Indicates the end of a response from the printer.