
A-4 Telnet Console Commands
Help set ip
IP LPD/TCP Parameters
ACcess [EN/DI/ALL] aa.bb.cc.dd {MAsk
ADdress aa.bb.cc.dd IP node address
ARP [EN/DI] IP set via ARP
BAnner [EN/DI] LPD banner printing
CHKSUM [EN/DI] IP receive checksum
BOot n Number of DHCP/BOOTP/RARP tries
ENable/DISable Enable or Disable IP Processing
FTIme [EN/DI] Fast timeout
KEepalive n Keepalive interval (min)
MEthod <type> Set method of getting IP address
PIng aa.bb.cc.dd Test connection to IP host
PRObe [EN/DI] TCP connection probes
RArp flags nn 1=no subnet, 2=no router, 3=neither
REtry [EN/DI] LPD retry continuation
ROuter aa.bb.cc.dd Default router address
SUbnet aa.bb.cc.dd Subnet mask
TImeout n Inactivity timeout (minutes)
WIndow nn LPD/TCP maximum window size
Displays a list of the available help commands for “Set IP.”
Changes configuration items.
CLear FAtal
Deletes fatal error log.
CLear PAssword
Removes console password.
CLear POrt portname JOB
Clears current entry in the print server's internal queue for the specified portname
(P1 for the first parallel port, S1 for the first serial port, P2 for the second parallel
port, and S2 for the second serial port).
CLear SERVEr STRing n
Removes BOT/EOT string.
Defines configuration items.