
Users Manual Model 656/636 Maintenance / Adjustments 29
Maintenance / Adjustments
Print Head Handling
Print heads can be damaged easily, and are subject to premature failure if not
cleaned on a regular basis. Please follow the procedures carefully to help ensure
print head life and print quality.
Thermal print heads are very sensitive and must be handled with care to help ensure
longer print head life. Because print heads may be damaged through a number of
ways, Paxar has developed the following procedures;
Static discharge is very detrimental to thermal print heads. To avoid contacting
print heads with a static charge, follow these simple procedures:
- All print heads should be kept in original anti-static bags until they are
placed in the machine.
- The 656 / 636 printer is supplied with an anti-static wrist strap. Locate
the strap - it must be worn at all times when handling the print heads.
- Do not touch any terminals extending from the print head or the print line.
- Anti-static gloves are provided with your machine upon installation and
extras may be ordered from Paxar. These gloves must be worn at all
times when handling the print head. If an anti-static glove is not
available, make absolutely certain to thoroughly wash and dry your
hands before handling the print head. Oils from your hands can
contaminate the print line and quickly destroy the printing elements.