Defining Special Fields 9-1
This chapter includes information about creating price and
system/date time fields. Create a separate definition for each price and
date/time field.
For price fields, you define the way your price appears in the printed format,
for example £98.00. You can configure the printer to print using: US
Dollars, French Francs, Spanish Pesetas, Belgian Francs, German Marks,
British Pounds, Euro-Dollars, Swedish Krona, Danish Marka, Austrian
Schilling, and Japanese Yen. See Chapter 3, “Configuring the Printer” for
more information. For date/time fields, you define the way the system date
and time appear in the printed format, for example 10-15-01 4:00 PM.
NOTE: All samples shown in this chapter are created using 2.0-inch long by
2.0-inch wide supplies.
About Price and System Date/Time Fields
Read the following information to become familiar with the prompts for price
and date/time fields. Valid ranges for the prompts are listed as well as
information about using price and date/time fields.
Format Name
Depending on your printer’s configuration, enter a name for
the format. For more information about your printer’s
configuration, see Chapter 3, “Configuring the Printer.” The
maximum number of characters for the format name is 16.
Format Number
Reserved for future use. (Depending on your printer’s
configuration, enter a number for the format. The format
number range is 1 – 99.)
Reserved for future use. (Depending on your printer’s
configuration, enter a description for the format.)
Supply Length
The length of your loaded supply. Measure from the top of
one black mark to the top of the next black mark. The
standard supply lengths are: 55, 78, 110, 150, 200, 300, or