
256 Printhead energy must be 0 (standard supplies), 1 (fax
paper), or 2 (linerless/synthetic supplies).
257 Feed mode must be 0 (continuous) or 1 (on demand - if
option is used).
258 Supply position is outside the range.
259 Contrast adjustment must be 28 - 40 dots.
260 Print adjustment must be -99 - 99 dots.
261 Margin adjustment must be -99 - 99 dots.
262 Speed adjustment must be 0.
263 Primary monetary symbol is invalid.
264 Secondary symbol selection must be 0 (none) or 1
(print secondary sign).
265 Monetary decimal places must be 0 - 3.
266 Character string length in the control characters packet
must be 5 (MPCL control characters) or 7 (ENQ/IMD
command character)
267 Baud rate selection must be 0 (1200), 1 (2400), 2
(4800), 3 (9600), 4 (19200), 5 (38400). Resend the
communication settings packet.
268 Word length selection must be 0 (7 bits) or 1 (8 bits).
Resend the communication settings packet.
269 Stop bits selection must be 0 (1 bits), or 1 (2 bits).
Resend the communication settings packet.
270 Parity selection must be 0 (none), 1 (odd), or 2 (even).
Resend the communication settings packet.
271 Flow control selection must be 0 (none), 1 (DTR), 2
(CTS/RTS), or 3 (XON/XOFF). Resend the
communication settings packet.
Troubleshooting 8-11