2 • Preparation Model 2977 DialFire RAS User Guide
22 DialFire PTE Configuration Worksheet, Channelized T1, Long Haul (External T1)
DialFire PTE Configuration Worksheet, Channelized T1, Long Haul
(External T1)
Use the worksheet below to collect the information that may be required to complete the configuration of your
DialFire PTE adapter within your operating system environment.
Note Not all operating systems support all parameters.
Note The parameters on this page are for channelized T1 connected directly to an external
T1 telephone line (long haul). If your adapter is connected to a PBX or similar in-
house network, use the short haul worksheet. See Channelized T1, Short Haul (PBX
or Other Internal Network) on page 22.
After completing the worksheet, go to chapter 3, “Installing the Model 2977 adapter” on page 29.
Parameter Value
Coding [ ] B8ZS [ ] AMI
Framing [ ] ESF [ ] D4
Long Haul Line Build Out (Level) [ ] 0 dB [ ] 7.5 dB [ ] 15 dB [ ] 22.5 dB
Signaling [ ] Ground Start [ ] Loop Start [ ] Immediate Start [ ] Wink Start -- Wink
Patton Electronics (1-20): _________________
Leased Time Slots List which, if any, T1 time slots are leased:
Modem Nationality Enter the country in which the PTE adapter will be installed: