Problem Check Solution
Unit does not
turn ON
• PluginPowerCord
• SetSelectorSwitchfordesiredblower
• Makesurethetopcoverissecurelyclosed
Truman Cell
light has turned
solid red.
Truman Cell •Asolidredlightisa30daycleaning
reminder. Wash Collector Cell. Make sure
it is thoroughly clean and dry before
Truman cell
light is
blinking red
Truman Cell •Ablinkingredindicatesthepowersupply
has shut down due to arcing or short
circuit. The cell should be inspected and
cleaned, repaired, or replaced.
Unit does
not remove
Truman Cell •CleantheTrumanCellandmakesureitis
completely dry before reinstalling.
Oreck for service.
Unit sparks,
crackles and
Truman Cell • Sparkingorpoppingnoise(arcing)can
occur when a large particle is captured
in the Truman Cell. If the unit is arcing
excessively, the cell may be dirty. Try
cleaning the Truman Cell.
• Ifexcessivearcingcontinuesafter
proper cleaning, the Truman Cell may
be damaged or wet. If damaged, contact
Oreck for service.
Service problems that appear to be major can often be solved
easily. You can be your own troubleshooter by reviewing this guide.
All other servicing should be done by an Oreck authorized
service center.