
Service problems that
appear to be major can
often be solved easily.
You can be your own
troubleshooter by
reviewing this guide.
All other ser
should be done by an
Oreck authorized
service center.
PPrroobblleemm CChheecckk WWhhaatt ttoo ddoo
Unit does not turn on. Power Cord Plug in the power cord.
Power Button Set power button for desired
blower speed.
Front Grill Reinsert front grill, sliding right until
it locks into place.
Top Cover Top cover should be replaced and
slid back to lock.
“Check Collector Cell” Collector Cell Wash collector cell. Make sure it is
has turned red. thoroughly clean and dry before
Hold down the Air Revitalizer button
until the light blinks three times to
reset the timer after cleaning.
“Check Collector Cell” Collector Cell Collector cell may need cleaning.
light is flashing red. Clean collector cell.
Collector cell may not be completely
Allow it to air dry longer.
Collector cell may be damaged.
Contact Oreck for service.
Unit does not Collector Cell Wash collector cell. Make sure it is
remove pollutants. thoroughly clean and dry before
Unit spar
ks, crackles
Collector Cell Sparking or popping noise (arcing)
and pops. occurs when a large particle is
captured in the collector cell.
If the unit is arcing e
xcessively, the
collector cell may be dirty. Try
cleaning the collector cell.
If excessive arcing continues after
proper cleaning, the cell may be
damaged or wet. If damaged contact
Oreck for service.
“Check Odor Absorber” Odor Absorber Hold down the Night Light button
light has tur
ned r
until the light b
links three times to
reset the Check Odor Absorber
timer after replacing.
Replace odor absorber if desired.
If the odor absorber is not replaced,
remove old odor absorber to turn off
“Check Odor Absorber” light.
Does not r
emove odor.
Odor Absorber Vacuum odor absorber with a soft
brush attachment if dirty. Do not
use any liquids to clean the odor
Replace odor absorber if desired.
Unit still does not Check all the Contact Oreck for service.
operate properly. above points.