1. Air Purier Door: Easily removed to gain access to the lter.
2. Main Filter: Captures particles from the air that passes
through the lter.
3. Odor Filter: Reduces odors from the air that passes through
the lter.
4. Intake Grille: Where air enters the unit.
5. Check Main Filter Light: Indicates the main lter may need to
be replaced when lit.
6. Check Odor Filter Light: Indicates the Odor Filter may need
to be replaced when lit.
7. Air Revitalizer Button: This button activates the Air
Revitalizer which is designed to run continuously, but may
be turned OFF if desired. The Air Revitalizer provides
additional air freshness via the release of negative ions.
8. Check Light Reset Button: This button resets both the main
lter and odor lter lights.
9. Timer: Sets the run time for two, four or eight hours, before
automatically turning OFF.
10. Fan Speed: The fan runs at three speeds. The lights
indicate the current fan speed.
• L: Low for the Silence Technology
• M: Medium for typical use
• H: High for maximum cleaning
11. Power: Turns the unit OFF and ON.
12. Exhaust Grille: Directs the ow of air as it exits the unit.