Omnia 6 Use and Installation Guide – Version 1.00a
Each of the Deep Bass, Phat Bass and
Warmth controls can boost the level up to
12 dB. Be careful here not to overdrive the
following limiter sections or over emphasize
these lower frequency ranges. When used
properly this specialized low frequency
enhancement tools can deliver the
thunderous bass and warmth that the Omnia
is known for, and it can do so without
making the sound muddy. It serves to
greatly complement the Omnia-6fm’s clear
and open high end to provide a well-
balanced, competitive, CD-like sound that is
both powerful on the dial, as well as
pleasing to the ear.
Enhance Submenu
Deep Bass EQ: For those who demand thunderous bass, the Omnia-6 has it! Up to 12 dB of “thunder” can
be added to shake your listener’s walls! This is not a simple bass boost, but a rather sophisticated concept
that takes into consideration the time alignment of the low frequencies as they pass through the entire
Omnia system. It allows a loud
, clean low end, with absolutely no sacrifice to the overall loudness of your
signal. We won't tell you where the control is in the signal chain. But we will tell you that Deep Bass
function is a shelf boost at 85 Hz, utilizing a phase compensated 12dB/octave slope to emulate the EQ
Phat Bass EQ: Phat Bass is a unique enhancement that adds filtered harmonics of the lower registers to the
upper bass frequencies. The algorithm extracts information contained in the initial attack to do its work,
and low frequency texture is therefore emphasized. Older recordings sound fuller (or phatter) with the
added illusion of loudness. Phat Bass EQ also helps radios with small speakers sound like they have more
bass than they actually do.
Warmth EQ: The Warm Bass parameter in the Enhance section of the Process submenu is a shelf boost at
150 Hz. Warmth EQ compensates for program material that is naturally lacking in upper-bass punch. Be
judicious about applying too much, as the resonant frequency of most automobile interiors lies in this
frequency range!
Space EFX: The Omnia6-fm contains an intelligent DSP-based stereo enhancement tool that enhances the
stereo soundfield without causing unnatural "hole in the middle" imaging or exaggerated multipath.
Program audio previously lacking in stereo width will have noticeably increased ambiance and dimension
when the Space EFX is active. Vocals will stay up-front and the sonic details of musical instruments are
heard with an apparent slight loudness increase when listening in stereo.
The Space EFX control has a range of 0 (off) to 16 and the amount of dynamic width expansion can be
observed on the rightmost vertical bargraph on the Meter Display screen. The system should be initially
auditioned using light amounts of Space EFX, with an initial setting of 4 to 6 recommended as a starting