TC-08 User's Guide42
The easiest way to transfer data to Excel is to use the TC-08 software application.
If, however, you need to do something that is not possible using the TC-08 software,
you can write an Excel macro which calls usbtc08.dll to read in a set of data
values. The Excel Macro language is similar to Visual Basic.
The example usbTC0832.XLS reads in 20 values of the cold junction temperature
and channel 1 temperature, one per second, and assigns them to cells A1..B20.
While it is possible to access all of the driver routines described earlier, it is easier to
use the special LabVIEW access routine.
To use this routine, copy usbtc08.vi from the Examples subdirectory to your
LabVIEW user.lib directory. You will then need usb_tc08 sub-vi and an example
sub-vi which demonstrate how to use them. You can use one of these sub-vis for each
of the channels that you wish to measure. The sub-vi returns a temperature for
thermocouple types.
Visual Basic
The Examples directory contains the following files, created in Visual Basic 6:
Agilent VEE
The example program usb_tc08.vee shows how to collect a block of data from the
USB TC-08. There are prototypes in usb_tc08.vh.