5 Programming
The OME-A-82x series multi-function card can support up to 160 channels by
cascading 10 OME-DB-889D’s without complex programming.
5.1 Using OME-A-822PGL
This section will use OME-A-822PGL to link OME-DB-889D.
The major steps are listed below:
Step 1: Hardware installing.
1. Turn off power of computer.
2. Plug in OME-A-822PGL then connect 37 pin cable & 20 pin flat cables to CN1
and CN3 of OME-DB-889D.
3. Setup OME-DB-889D (Ref. Jumper setting section of OME-DB-889D. The
example program uses default setup )
4. Connect your signal wiring.
5. Turn on your computer power.
6. Installing OME-A-822PGL C library.
7. Now you are ready to programming.
Step 2: Software programming (C Language)
1. Using OME-A-822 library function to initial OME-A-822PGL
2. Setup OME-A-822PGL: Bipolar mode , Gain = 1 , Analog input channel = 0 ,
Trigger mode = Polling mode.
3. Send digital output of OME-A-822PGL data to control OME-DB-889D
D0~D3: OME-DB-889D channel selection, D4~D6: OME-DB-889D Gain setting
4. Reading OME-A-822PGL analog input data
5. Conversion data to voltage or temperature
The OME-A-82X series programming steps are same as those for the
OME-DB-889D User’s Manual