
Internet Fax 9
20 or numeric key 0. The symbols available are ! # & ' ( ) * + ,
- . / : ; = ?
_ % ~ . The "~" (tilde) symbol will appear on
the LCD as "-1". Both upper and lower case letters can be
used. To switch between cases, press one-touch key 31 (CAPS
1:IP ADDRESS - Sets the IP address.
2:SUBNETMASK - Sets the subnet mask.
3:DEFAULT GATEWAY - Sets the default gateway address.
4:SMTP SERVER NAME - Either the IP address or the host name of
the SMTP mail server up to 64 characters may be entered here. The
host name (e.g. mail.network.com) can be used if DNS has been set;
otherwise, enter the IP address of the server. The address must
include the "." (period) dividers (e.g.
5:POP SERVER NAME - Either the IP address or the host name of
the POP mail server up to 64 characters may be entered here. The
host name (e.g., mail.network.com) can be used if DNS has been set;
otherwise, enter the IP address of the server. The address must
include the "." (period) dividers (e.g.,
6:POP USER ID - Enter the user ID registered on the POP3 server,
which must be alphanumerical characters no more than 16 characters
7:POP PASSWORD - The password registered on the POP3 server
may be entered, which must be alphanumerical characters no more
than 16 characters long. If a password has already been registered, it
will be shown as 16 Xs to ensure that it will remain protected.
Note: 6:POP USER ID and 7:POP PASSWORD settings in the fax
machine must match the POP3 user name already entered in
the server
8:DNS P. SRV ADDRESS (Domain Name Service Primary Server) -
Sets the IP address of the DNS primary server. This will not be
required if the server is connected directly using its IP address.
9:DNS S. SRV ADDRESS (Domain Name Service Secondary
Server) - Sets the IP address of the DNS secondary server. Enter this
setting only if a secondary server has been set up.
10:HOST NAME - Enter the host name defined on this machine.
Maximum length: 64 characters.