
Configuration 23
This allows you to configure TCP/IP related items.
To find corresponding items in WEB and TELNET, see the equivalent in
the Configurable Items and Default Values table that starts on
page 59.
Location Comments
Use TCP/IP Protocol Set TCP/IP protocol as enabled/disabled.
Use DHCP/BOOTP Check this item if IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and
IP addresses for DNS primary server and secondary servers are
retrieved from the DHCP or BOOTP server. Otherwise, uncheck.
Use RARP Check this item if IP address is retrieved from the RARP server.
Otherwise, uncheck.
IP Address Set the IP address of the selected network interface card.
Subnet Mask Set the subnet mask of the selected network interface card.
Default Gateway Set the default gateway of the selected network interface card.
Use FTP/LPD Banner Check this item if you want to add the FTP/LPD banner. Otherwise,
DNS Server . . . Set IP addresses for DNS primary and secondary servers.