60 SMART-AG User Manual Rev 2
Appendix B Commands
Abbreviated ASCII Syntax:Message ID: 1
LOG [port] message [trigger [period [offset [hold]]]]
Factory Default:
log com1 rxstatuseventa onnew 0 0 hold
log com2 rxstatuseventa onnew 0 0 hold
log com3 rxstatuseventa onnew 0 0 hold
log aux rxstatuseventa onnew 0 0 hold
log usb1 rxstatuseventa onnew 0 0 hold
log usb2 rxstatuseventa onnew 0 0 hold
log usb3 rxstatuseventa onnew 0 0 hold
Abbreviated ASCII Example 1:
log com1 bestpos ontime 7 0.5 hold
The above example shows BESTPOS logging to COM port 1 at 7 second intervals and offset by 0.5
seconds (output at 0.5, 7.5, 14.5 seconds and so on). The [hold] parameter is set so that logging is not
disrupted by the UNLOGALL command.
To send a log only one time, the trigger option can be ignored.
Abbreviated ASCII Example 2:
log com1 bestpos once 0.000000 0.000000 nohold
Refer to the Command Formats section of the OEMV Firmware Reference Manual for additional
1. In CDU there are two ways to initiate data logging to the receiver's serial ports. You can
either enter the LOG command in the Console window, or use the interface provided in
the Logging Control window. Ensure the Power Settings on your PC are not set to go into
Hibernate or Standby modes. Data is lost if one of these modes occurs during a logging
2. Only the ASCII/Abbreviated ASCII log table is included in this manual. Please refer to the
LOG command in the OEMV Family Firmware Reference Manual for binary log details.