J Listing Of Tables
264 MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2
Table D-10 RTK Status
Table D-11 GPSCard Range Reject Codes
Table D-12 GPSCard Velocity Status
RTK Status Definition
1 Good narrowlane solution
2 Good widelane solution
4 Good L1/L2 converged float solution
8 Good L1/L2 unconverged float solution
16 Good L1 converged solution
32 Good L1 unconverged solution
64 Reserved for future use
128 Insufficient observations
256 Variance exceeds limit
512 Residuals exceed limit
1024 Delta position too large
2048 Negative variance
4096 Undefined
8192 RTK initialize
Higher numbers are reserved for future use
Value Description
0 Observations are good
1 Bad satellite health is indicated by ephemeris data
2 Old ephemeris due to data not being updated during last 3 hours
3 Eccentric anomaly error during computation of the satellite’s position
4 True anomaly error during computation of the satellite’s position
5 Satellite coordinate error during computation of the satellite’s position
6 Elevation error due to the satellite being below the cutoff angle
7 Misclosure too large due to excessive gap between estimated and actual positions
8 No differential correction is available for this particular satellite
9 Ephemeris data for this satellite has not yet been received
10 Invalid IODE due to mismatch between differential stations
11 Locked Out: satellite is excluded by user (LOCKOUT command)
12 Low Power: satellite rejected due to low signal/noise ratio
13 L2 measurements are not currently used in the filter
Higher numbers are reserved for future use
Value Description
0 Velocity computed from differentially corrected carrier phase data
1 Velocity computed from differentially corrected Doppler data
2 Old velocity from differentially corrected phase or Doppler (higher latency)
3 Velocity from single point computations
4 Old velocity from single point computations (higher latency)
5 Invalid velocity
Higher numbers are reserved for future use