Firmware Updates Chapter 7
EuroPak-15a Receiver User Manual Rev 5 103
7.2 Downloading the Files
Typically, there are two files required when performing firmware updates on a particular receiver card:
• WINLOAD.EXE (the firmware loading utility program)
• XXXX.HEX (the firmware update file)
Typical Euro-L1E5a card firmware files might be named 5100.HEX, for example.
To proceed with your update, you will first need to download the appropriate files from NovAtel's FTP site at
ftp.novatel.ca, or via e-mail at support@novatel.com
. If downloading is not possible, the files can be mailed to
you on diskette.
The files are available in compressed, password-protected file format. The compressed form of the files may
have different names than the names discussed above; the Aviation Group will advise you as to the exact names
of the files you need. As well, the Aviation Group will provide you with a file de-compression password.
7.3 Decompressing the Files
After copying the compressed files to an appropriate directory on your computer, each file must be
decompressed. The syntax for decompression is as follows:
where filename is the name of the compressed file (but not including the .EXE extension) and password is the
password required to allow decompression.
A window-based dialog is provided for password entry.
The self-extracting archive then generates the following files:
WinLoad.exe WinLoad utility program
HowTo.txt Instructions on how to use the WinLoad utility
WhatsNew.txt Information on the changes made in the firmware since the last revision
XXXX.hex Firmware version update file
where XXXX = program version level (for example 2000.hex)