
If a relay box is installed, blower
speeds for heating and cooling are set
inside the relay box (see instructions
included with relay box). The blower
speed inside the furnace control box
must be set to low or medium-low.
Never change to a heating speed lower
than that shown in Table 5.
Changing Blower Speed
E3EH: The selected heating blower lead is at-
tached to the wire lead attached to terminal 2
of the blower selector switch.
a. Remove blower lead from the wire lead off
of terminal 2.
b. Choose desired speed.
c. Attach new blower lead to wire lead off
terminal 2 of blower selector switch.
E2EB: The selected heating blower lead is at-
tached to terminal 6 on blower relay. The selected
cooling blower lead is attached to terminal 4 on
blower relay.
a. Remove heating blower lead from terminal
6 on blower relay.
b. Choose desired speed and install new
blower lead onto terminal 6 of blower relay
for new heating speed.
c. Remove cooling blower lead from terminal
4 on blower relay.
d. Install new blower lead onto terminal 4 of
blower relay for new cooling speed.
E3EX: The selected heating blower lead is at-
tached to terminal 6 on blower relay and is the
red wire attached to the motor pin terminals 1-3.
The selected cooling blower lead is attached to
Table 5. Furnace Blower Speed Data
terminal 4 on blower relay and is the blue wire
attached to the motor pin terminals 1-3.
a. Remove heating and cooling leads from
motor terminals 1-5.
b. Choose desired speeds and seat terminal
back into motor terminals 1-5.
Same Speed, Heating and A/C: Use loose
white jumper wire supplied with unit and jumper
between terminals 5 & 2 on blower relay. On
E3EX, remove one wire from motor terminals
1-5, while leaving one wire on the required
blower speed.
See Table 6 for blower performance data.
Installing Control Circuit Wiring
NOTE: Installation of a fi ve-wire thermostat
circuit is recommended to provide for future
addition of a heat/cool thermostat.
1. Install the 24V control-circuit cable through
plastic bushing at either side of furnace.
a. For models without a relay box, connect
wires to furnace at blower plug pigtails (see
wiring diagrams). Secure all connections
with wire nuts.
b. For units with a relay box installed, make
wiring connections at relay box low-voltage
terminal board. (See relay box installation
2. Route control circuit wiring to wall
thermostat and outdoor section, if installed.
(See relay box installation instructions if
3. Set anticipator per Table 7 or per the mark-
ing on the unit.
4. See Figure 31 (non-Platinum) and Figure
32 (Platinum) for E3EB thermostat connec-
Plug/Receptacle Position Pin1 Pin2 Pin3 Pin4 Pin5
2 Speed Blower Low High - - -
4 Speed Blower Low Med-LO Med-Hi High -
Control Box Blower Lead Red Yellow Blue Black -
Multi-Speed, E3EX Low Med-Lo Med Med-Hi High
Minimum approved speed
for 015, 017, 020, 023
Minimum approved speed
for 010 and 012 models