Nokia Lumia 2520: Internet
Chapter 6
Browse the web
It’s fun and easy to browse the web with the Internet Explorer app. If
you want to benet from everything your browser has to oer, you can
use the desktop version.
If your network service provider doesn’t charge you a xed
fee for data transfer, to save on data costs, use a Wi-Fi
network to connect to the Internet.
1. Tap Internet Explorer.
2. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen.
3. Tap the address bar.
4. Write a web address in the address bar, and tap , or select a
website from your pinned, frequent, or favorite websites.
To search the Internet, write a search word in the address bar,
and tap .
Zoom in or out
Place 2 ngers on the screen, and slide your ngers apart or together.
You can also double-tap the screen.
Use the desktop version of the browser
Swipe up from the bottom of the screen, and tap > View in the
Open a new tab
When you want to visit several websites at the same time, you can open
several browser tabs and switch between them.
Tap Internet Explorer.
Swipe up from the bottom of the screen, and tap .
Switch between tabs
Swipe up from the bottom of the screen, and tap a tab thumbnail.