ii. Enter the password for the partition/drive.
Leave it blank if you did not set a password. The password in this step is the
password for a one particular partition. This is NOT the password for the whole
disk, which is defaulted to the word "password".
iii. Click Attach Drive.
iv. If you enter the wrong drive password, a message "Incorrect password" appears.
Highlight the partition, and reenter the correct password. If you forget the
password, you can reset it to blank by clicking Reset Drive Password. If you do
this, you are asked for the SC101 administrative password — be aware that you
cannot cancel out of this screen, and if you click Exit, the Wizard will close, and
you'll have to repeat the above steps. Once the partition is successfully attached
to a computer, it disappears from the list of attachable partitions.
6. If the partition appears on the Broken Drive screen then the partition is broken (for
example, a broken mirror if one disk is removed) and needs to be removed using the
"Delete Broken Drive" button on that screen.
7. If the partition still does not show in either the "Manage Drive", "Attach Drive" or "Broken
Drive" screens, then there are two methods to resolve it, the first method is easiest and
o Method 1: Uninstall the SCM, then reinstall it. All partitions will need to be
reattached again.
o Method 2: Alternatively, edit the Windows registry. Don't do this unless you
have experience registry editing. Mistakes can cause the operating system
to stop working.
o Microsoft explains the purpose of the registry in this article.
o It's advised to back up the registry before changing it manually. The process is
described in this Microsoft article.
a. Start the registry editor.
b. Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ZNS\Client. There
should be multiple sub-entries under Client.
c. Highlight the sub-entry in the left pane which shows in the right
pane the name of the missing partition as "UserDefinedString"
and click Delete.
d. Confirm to remove this key ( Make sure you do not delete the
Client key itself, only the sub-key with the missing partition
e. Quit the registry editor.
f. Reboot the computer. The partition now shows in the "Attach
Drive" screen.
g. Attach the partition again.
Cannot Create a Mirror
• The SC101 has two disk drives installed.