
iCN 500 Series | User Manual
Measurement Preferences
1. From the Main Menu screen, tap Preferences.
The Preferences screen will display.
2. From the Preferences screen, tap More Preferences.
The second Preferences screen will display.
3. On the second Preferences screen, select Measurements
The Measurements screen will display.
4. Complete the following:
If you want to... Then...
change the Position
select either the Decimal degrees or the Degrees,
minutes, seconds option.
change the local time
select the offset from the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
for your location from the Local time offset box by tapping
the left or right arrows or using the left and right sides of the
4-way toggle.
Next, select either the 12 Hour or 24 Hour
option for time-
choose distance units
* select either the kilometers or miles option.
5. Tap Save.
The Main Menu screen will display.
* Only available when UK English or US English language is selected.
Hardware Preferences - Screen
1. From the Main Menu screen, tap Preferences.
The Preferences screen will display.
2. From the Preferences screen, tap More Preferences
The second Preferences screen will display.
3. On the second Preferences screen, tap Hardware.
The Hardware screen will display
4. From the Hardware screen, tap Screen
The Screen screen will display.