Hack Squat Knee Extension with Hip Extension and Ankle Plantar Flexion
Define Your Goals
Reaching Your Goals
To reach your goals, follow a consistent, well-
designed program that provides balanced
development to all parts of the body and includes
both aerobic and strength exercise. Only then
will you meet your goals safely and efficiently.
The workout routines found in this manual are
professionally designed and written to target
specific fitness goals. Should you not find one
specific program to your liking, you can design
your own, based on sound information and the
principles found in this manual.
Design Your Own Program
You may want to design your own personal
program specifically geared to your goals and
lifestyle. Designing a program is easy, as long as
you follow the guidelines below.
Understand fitness and its components:
Improperly designed programs can be dangerous.
Take some time to review this manual as well as
other fitness guides.
Know your current fitness level:
Before you start any fitness program you should
consult a physician who will help you determine
your current abilities.
Identify your goals:
Goals are critical to choosing and designing an
exercise program that fits and enhances your
lifestyle, but so is strategy. It’s important not
to rush the process and try to accomplish too
much too soon. That will lead to setbacks and
discouragement. Instead, set a series of smaller
achievable goals.
Select complementary exercises:
Be sure to pair exercises that address compound
joint movements and single joint movements.
In addition, select exercises that address
complimentary muscle groups.
Put first things first:
During each session, first work muscle groups that
need the most training.
Remember your cardiovascular component:
Any fitness program must contain a cardiovascular
fitness component to be complete. So complement
your resistance training with aerobic exercise such
as walking, running, or bicycling.
Training variables:
When designing your own program there are
several variables that, when mixed properly, will
equal the right fitness formula for you. In order to
find out the best formula, you must experiment
with several combinations of variables.
The variables are as follows:
• Training Frequency: The number of times you
train per week. We recommend daily activity
but not daily training of the same muscle
• Training Intensity: The amount of resistance
used during your repetition.
• Training Volume: The number of repetitions
and sets performed.
• Rest intervals: The time you rest between sets
and the time you rest between workouts.
Once you’ve established a base of fitness,
follow these basic principles:
• Isolate muscle groups: Focus work on specific
muscle groups.
• Progressive Loading: The gradual systematic
increase of repetitions, resistance and exercise
Hack Squat/Leg Press Exercises
Muscles Worked: Quadriceps; Gluteus
Maximus; Hamstrings; Calves
Success Tips:
• Sit up straight, chest lifted and abdominal
muscles tightened. Maintain a very slight
arch in your lower back.
• Use slow, controlled motion to insure that
you can return to Start position more easily.
• Do not lock your knee at the apex of this
• At the top of movement, knees and hips
should bend slightly less than 90˚.
• With the machine adjusted to the Hack
Squat position, stand on the platform facing
away from the machine.
• Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder
width apart, feet and hips turned out
• Rotate the handles to the unlocked position..
• Slowly lower your body by bending at the
hips, knees and ankles.
• Using controlled movement, lower the body
until your knees, hips and ankles are bent
slightly less than 90˚.
• Return to Start position, keeping movement
smooth and controlled.
Muscles Worked: Quadriceps; Gluteus
Maximus; Hamstrings
Success Tips:
• Generate force for this exercise by pushing
and pressing through your lower leg onto
the platform.
• Keep your knees pointed in the same
direction as your feet. DO NOT let knees
travel inward! Do not lock your knees.
• Keep your spine in alignment and your
quads tightened.
• Do not use momentum for this exercise -
move slowly.
• With the machine in the Leg Press position,
sit on the seat, feet slightly wider than
shoulder-width apart.
• Keep ankle lined up directly underneath
your knee.
• Keep your chest lifted and a slight arch in
your lower back.
• Grasp the handles for stability.
• Bend your knees and hips slowly, allowing
the platform to move toward you.
• Limit platform movement to a position that
allows you to maintain good posture
throughout the exercise.
• Slowly return to the Start position.
Leg Press Hip Extension with Knee Extension
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