Practically all breakdowns can be prevented by proper handling and maintenance inspections, but in the event of a
breakdown, use Table 19 shown below for diagnosis of the Generator. If the problem cannot be remedied, consult our
company’s business office or service plant.
When the Emergency/Malfunction shutdown system has been activated, the engine will be stopped and the pre-heat lamp
will indicate the malfunction by a series of flashing patterns. The flashing patterns and corrective action are shown below
in Table 20. The flashing patterns consist of combinations of one or more long flashes and one or more short flashes.
Table 19. Generator Troubleshooting
Symptom Possible Problem Solution
No Voltage Output
AC Voltmeter defective? Check output voltage using a voltmeter.
Is wiring connection loose? Check wiring and repair.
Is AVR defective? Replace if necessary.
Defective Rotating Rectifier? Check and replace.
Defective Exciter Field? Check and replace.
Low Voltage Output
Is engine speed correct? Turn engine throttle lever to “High”.
Is wiring connections loose? Check wiring and repair.
Defective AVR? Replace if necessary.
High Voltage Output
Is wiring connections loose? Check wiring and repair.
Defective AVR? Replace if necessary.
Circuit Breaker Tripped
Short Circuit in load? Check load and repair.
Over current? Confirm load requirements and reduce.
Defective circuit breaker? Check and replace.
Over current Relay actuated? Confirm load requirement and replace.
Table 20. Engine/Generator Troubleshooting (Pre-heat Lamp)
Type of Fault Possible Fault
Pre-Heat Lamp
Engine Overspeed 115% or more rated RPM speed? Long 1 Short 1 Check electronic governor
Low Oil Pressure
Oil pressure 7 psi (49 kPa) or
Long 1 Short 2 Check oil level.
Insufficient Charge No Voltage of Charging Genset? Long 1 Short 3 Check wiring and repair.
High Water Temperature
Engine Overheat, 230° F (110° C)? Long 1 Short 4 Check cooling system.
Engine Overheat, 248° F (120° C)? Long 1 Short 6 Check cooling system.
Emergency Stop Emergency Stop signal detected? Long 1 Short 5 Check and repair fault
Starter Motor Protection
Starter motor run for 12 seconds
or more?
Long 1 Short 7 Check wiring and repair.
Rotation Sensor Defective sensor, short circuit? Long 2 Short 1 Check wiring and repair.
Solenoid Defective solenoid, short circuit? Long 2 Short 2 Check wiring and repair.
Water Temperature
Disconnection Long 2 Short 4 Check connection.
Short Circuit Long 2 Short 5 Check sensor. Replace.
Charging Gen. Terminal Disconnection Long 2 Short 6 Check connections.
Over Voltage VCC 18 volts or greater Long 3 Short 1 Check overcurrent relay.