Figure 4. Trailer Components
Figure 4 shows the location of the trailer components. The
function of each component is described below:
1. — This generator may have an
external trailer mounted fuel tank. Remove fuel tank cap
to add fresh clean No. 2 diesel fuel. External fuel tank
capacity is 41 gallons (155 liters).
2. — Use this jackstand to support the
tongue when attaching the generator to a towing vehicle
3. — Attach the trailer's 2-inch coupler
to the towing vehicle. Use only the specified ball diameter
as indicated on your coupler. Use of any other ball
diameter will create an extremely dangerous condition
which can result in separation of the coupler and ball
or ball failure.
4. — Always attach safety chains to the
towing vehicle. use the trailer with the safety
chain unattached. Make sure safety chains are crossed
when towing.
5. — There are two amber reflectors
located on the side of the trailer. These reflectors provide
better visibility in dark conditions.
6. — This trailer uses a ST175-80D13 LR-C size tire.
Replace with only recommended tire size. use
the trailer with bad or worn tires.
7. — Place blocks (not included as part
of the generator package) under each trailer wheel to
prevent rolling.
8. — Before towing the generator, make
sure that this light is operational and is working correctly.
use the trailer if this light is inoperative.
9. — This light illuminates the license plate.
Whenever towing of the generator is required, make sure
this light is operational.
10. — Before towing the generator, make
sure that this light is operational and is working correctly.
use the trailer if this light is inoperative.