Optional Generator Features
Battery charger — provides fully automatic and self-
adjusting charging to the generator's battery system.
Jacket water heater — for easy starting in cold
weather climates.
Special batteries — long life batteries provide extra
engine cranking power.
Spring isolaters — provides extra vibration
protection for standby applications.
Trailer mounted package — highway legal trailer
with electronic or surge brakes with tandem axle
configuration. Extra capacity fuel tanks are also
Optional Fuel Cell Features
Trailer fuel tank — a second fuel cell located in the
trailer allows for extended run time.
Sub-base fuel cells (double wall) — Additional fuel
cell for extended runtime operation. Contains a leak
sensor, low fuel level switch, and a secondary
containment tank. UL142 listed.
12 hours of minimum run time.
24 hours of minimum run time.
Optional Control Features
Audible alarm — alerts operator of abnormal
Optional Output Connections
Cam-Loks — provides quick disconnect alternative
to bolt-on connectors.
Pin and Sleeve Connectors — provides industry
standard connectors for all voltage requirements.
Output Cable — available in any custom length and
size configuration.
Generator Output Panel
DCA180SSJU Rev 4