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4.2 Connection and Disconnection of Cable
4.2.1 SSCNET cable
(1) Precautions for handling the SSCNET cable
• Do not stamp the SSCNET cable.
• When laying the SSCNET
cable, be sure to secure the minimum cable bend
radius or more. If the bend radius is less than the minimum cable bend radius, it
may cause malfunctions due to characteristic deterioration, wire breakage, etc.
• For connection and disconnection of SSCNET cable, hold surely a tab of
cable connector.
Motion controlle
(2) Connection of SSCNET cable
• For connection of SSCNET cable to the Motion controller, connect it to the
connector CN1 of Motion controller while holding a tab of
cable connector. Be sure to insert it until it clicks.
• If the cord tip for the SSCNET
cable is dirty, optical transmission is interrupted
and it may cause malfunctions. If it becomes dirty, wipe with a bonded textile,
etc. Do not use solvent such as alcohol.
(3) Disconnection of SSCNET cable
• For disconnection of SSCNET cable, pull out it while holding a tab of
cable connector or the connector.
• After disconnection of SSCNET
cable, be sure to put a cap (attached to
Motion controller or servo amplifier) to the Motion controller and servo amplifier.
cable, attach the tube for protection optical cord's end face on
the end of connector.