Advanced Features ♦ 47
Scratch Pad
The Scratch Pad is your own personal phone directory and Speed
Dial list. Use it to save telephone numbers for faster dialing or to store
the names and numbers of callers for future reference.
To enter information into the Scratch Pad
You can use the Scratch Pad while connected to a caller.
1. Press Scratch Pad.
2. Type a name, a telephone or extension number, and any other
information you want to save.
Include the Outside Line Access Code for external phone num-
bers and omit spaces between digits.
3. Press [Save] to save the information.
To delete information in the Scratch Pad
• Select the information using the mouse or the arrow keys, and
then press Delete.
To dial a telephone number in the Scratch Pad
• Select the number you want to dial, and then press [Call].
Serial Call
If a caller wants to talk to several people in a row, use the Serial Call
feature. When the first call ends, the caller returns to the console
instead of being disconnected. You can then dial the next call. The
serial call keeps returning to the console until all the intended calls
have been made.
To set up a serial call for a caller in the Source or Destination area:
1. Tell the caller to remain on the line after completing each call.
2. Press [Set Serial Call].
3. Dial an extension number.
4. Press Release.
The console is released from the call. When the extension you
dialed hangs up, the Serial Call returns to the console as a Recall
(see Recall on page 27).
To cancel a Serial Call
• When the caller has finished the series of calls, press
[Cancel Serial].
If the serial call recalls and no one is there, it means the caller
has hung up.