. A complete Parts List is available at www.MillerWelds.com
OM-4434 Page 30
7-1. Standard Receptacles
803 847-C / Ref. 228 199-A
! If unit does not have GFCI re-
ceptacles, use GFCI-protected
extension cord.
. Generator power decreases as
weld current increases.
Set Fine Control R1 at 10 for full
generator power.
1 240 V 50 A AC Receptacle RC1
RC1 supplies 60 Hz single-phase
power at weld/power speed. Maxi-
mum output is 10 kVA/kW.
2 120 V 20 A AC Duplex Recep-
tacle RC2
3 120 V 20 A AC Duplex Recep-
tacle RC3
RC2 and RC3 supply 60 Hz single-
phase power at weld/power speed.
Maximum output from RC2 or RC3 is
2.4 kVA/kW.
4 Supplementary Protector CB1
CB1 protects receptacles RC1, RC2,
and RC3 from overload. If CB1
opens, the receptacles do not work.
Place switch in On position to reset.
5 Supplementary Protector CB2
6 Supplementary Protector CB3
CB2 protects RC2 and CB3 protects
RC3 from overload. If a supplementa-
ry protector opens, the receptacle
does not work.
. Press button to reset. If supple-
mentary protector continues to
open, contact Factory
Authorized Service Agent.
Combined output of all receptacles
limited to 10 kVA/kW rating of the gen-
EXAMPLE: If 20 A is drawn from
each 120 V duplex receptacle, only
21 A is available at the 240V
2 x (120 V x 20 A) + (240 V x 21 A) =
10 kVA/kW