Cottons Extra dry Max. load: 5 kg*
Fabric type Multi-layered fabrics, which would not be thoroughly dried using
the Normal + programme.
Notes Do not dry jersey fabrics in the
Extra dry
programme as they
have a tendency to shrink.
Extras Short or Low Temp.
Cottons Normal + Max. load: 5 kg*
Fabric type Single and multi-layered fabrics, e.g. mixed load of cotton fabrics
e.g. towelling, jerseywear, underwear.
Extras Short or Low Temp.
Cottons Normal ** Max. load: 5 kg*
Fabric type Load of similar cotton items, e.g. underwear, flannelette bed linen,
Notes If laundry is still too damp, then finish drying using the Warm air
programme and use the
+ programme next time.
Extras Short or Low Temp.
Cottons Hand iron r Max. load: 5 kg*
Fabric type Cottons and linen fabrics, e.g. table linen, bedlinen, starched
laundry etc.
Extras Short or Low Temp.
Cottons Hand iron rr ** Max. load: 5 kg*
Fabric type Cottons and linen fabrics, e.g. table linen, bedlinen, starched
laundry etc.
Notes If laundry is still too damp, then select
Hand iron
r in the future.
Extras Short or Low Temp.
Cottons Machine iron Max. load: 5 kg*
Fabric type Cotton and linen fabrics, including starched laundry for machine
Notes The laundry should be rolled up to prevent it from drying out
before it can be ironed.
Extras Short or Low Temp.
* Weight of dry laundry
** Note for test institutes:
This programme setting without Extras should be used when testing according to
EN 61121 Standard.
Programme chart