ACTIVE air clean filter
(standard or optional accessory de
pending on model)
This is a special active charcoal filter
which absorbs odours from the dust
collected in the dustbag. It helps, there
fore, to prevent the build up of odours
The "ACTIVE air clean filter" can replace
the filter already fitted.
Do not use aroma capsules in your vac
uum cleaner if it is fitted with this filter.
(standard or optional accessory de-
pending on model)
This is a particle filter conforming to EN
1822 HEPA Classification 12. It is able
to filter out very fine particles and mi-
cro-organisms. The active charcoal
layer absorbs odours from the dust col-
lected in the dustbag.
Vacuum cleaners equipped with this
exhaust filter are particularly suitable for
allergy sufferers and those concerned
with a high level of hygiene.
Do not use aroma capsules in your vac
uum cleaner if it is fitted with this filter.
Accessories available as optional extras