Time left display
After a certain time the estimated resid
ual time (i.e. the time left to run), ap
pears in the oven display. The actual
core temperature is no longer visible
and cannot be called up.
The residual time is calculated from the
oven temperature selected, the re-
quired core temperature and the pat-
tern of the increasing core temperature.
The residual time figure first shown is
an estimate. As the cooking process
continues you may see the time left fig-
ure increasing. This is due to the elec
tronics checking the core temperature
and readjusting the time left. This is
quite normal.
If, when the residual time is displayed:
the oven or core temperature is al
or a different oven function is cho
this will cancel all the residual time in
formation, and the actual temperature
will reappear.
If the oven door is held open for some
time, the residual time will be recalcu
Cooking time is completed automati
Shortly before the end of cooking time
the oven heating switches off.
The Energy-save function (as de-
scribed under "Oven - use") comes into
action. The time left continues to be
shown in the display. If the "p" button is
pressed, "EC" appears.
If the oven temperature is altered or the
core temperature increased, the oven
heating will switch on again.
Roasting with the Roast Probe