You can extract soft fruit juice in your appliance, e.g. berries
and cherries.
Overripe fruit is ideal for extracting juice; the more mature the
fruit, the more juice will be productive and aromatic.
Sort and wash the fruit to be juiced. Remove any damaged
Remove the stems of grapes and sour cherries, because they
contain bitter compounds. Stalks of berries do not need to be
Mix mild fruit with tangy fruit to round off the taste.
The juice quantity and aroma are improved if sugar is added
to the fruit and is allowed to soak in for several hours. We
recommend 1/4 - ½ cup (50-100 g) sugar per 2 lbs (1 kg) of
sweet fruit and ½ - 3/4 cup (100-150 g) sugar for 2 lbs (1 kg)
tangy fruit.
If you want to save the extracted juice, fill it hot into clean
bottles and seal them immediately.
Place the prepared fruit in a perforated cooking pan.
Place under that a solid cooked pan or the universal tray in
order to catch the juice.
Steam Cooking
Temperature: 212°F / 100°C
Duration: 40–70 Minutes
Special Modes