Matrices 65
Operator Manual
Item Description
1 group 1 to group 4 control knobs Each of the groups (1-4) has its own
individual matrix send level, which is continuously variable from
4 (infinity/off) to +6dB. Unity (0dB) is also marked on the scale, allowing
the signal to be routed to the matrix without any attenuation or gain.
Alternatively, the auxiliaries can be routed to the matrix by pressing the
aux c/o switch (see “Group-aux changeover” on page 60). This is
especially useful for generating additional monitor mixes or re-routing
existing monitor mixes (for example, if artists are moving around to other
parts of the stage).
2 mono master control knobs The master mono signal sent to the matrix
is continuously variable from
4 (infinity/off) to +6dB. Unity (0dB) is also
marked on the scale, allowing the signal to be routed to the matrix without
any attenuation or gain.
3 stereo master control knobs The single stereo master control knob on
each matrix comprises a ‘summed’ signal of the left and right master
4 split stereo master source left/right switch This switch makes matrix
1 stereo master contribution ‘left’ and matrix 2 stereo master contribution
‘right’, rather than the summed default.
5 override masters to usb with matrix This latching switch overrides the
stereo master USB output matrix 1-2 output.
6 matrix 1 and matrix 2 control knobs Adjust the matrix output levels
4 (infinity/off) to +10dB.
7 MUTE switch and red LED The MUTE switch mutes the matrix output.
The mute LED illuminates to show that the mute is on.
8 SOLO switch and yellow LED The SOLO switch routes the matrix signal
to the mono PFL bus and stereo AFL buses. The solo LED illuminates to
show when solo is on.