
-flashtime Flash time setting.(1-200, 1->10ms)
Example: sysconf -ring 500
Parameter Usages:
-idtime set the duration (in second) of two pressed digits in dial mode
as timed out. If after the duration user hasn’t pressed next
number, it will dial out all number pressed. (1-10 seconds)
-keypad keypad type when relay DTMF signal.
0 Æ In-Band
1 Æ RFC2833.
1. number (instead of Line number of FXO Line)+ PSTN
number to make a call to PSTN side connected with FXO
2. After gateway-prefix-drop function is enabled, user must
remember to re-configure line number of FXS Line,
because line number of FXS Line must remove prefix
number. For example, origin line number of FXS line is
1001, prefix is 100, since prefix number will be drop, once
gateway has incoming call 1001, after drop gateway prefix
100, it will search line number “1”. So line number must be
set as “1”.
-callerid Support FSK and ETSI caller ID function. After the first ring
destination site, device will send line number as caller ID to
called site. It only supports on Hotline mode.
-ring ring time for ring detection (in ms). When Gateway has
incoming call from PSTN side to FXO port, Gateway will
determine it is a ring but not noise only if it is longer than this
ring time.
Note: In Taiwan, the ring time of PSTN usually is 1000ms, so if user set
ring time longer that 1000ms, FXO port may not be able to pick up the call
from PSTN side.
-delay When FXO port has an incoming call from IP side and signal
connection is established, it will wait the dial tone from PSTN
or PBX. But sometimes the dial tone from PBX is too late so
some errors will occur. Now user can use this command to