user enabled this function, the gateway will search dialed number
in phone book to see if there is any matched table before send to
Proxy server, and if there is a matched data in phone book, the
gateway will make call to related IP address.
This parameter set duration time for sending registration
SIP port which used to listen incoming SIP messages
Specify the RTP received port number
6.14. [security]
This command is used to configure the account information included username and
password obtained from the proxy service provider
usr/config$ security
Security information and configuration
security [-line number][-name username] [-pwd password]
security [-print]
-print Display system account information and configuration.
-line Specify which line number you want to set the account.
-name Specify user name.
-pwd Specify password.
security -line 1 -name 1001 -pwd 1001
Parameter Usage:
Shows the current settings
Specify the line for the account configuration, here has only one
line for this gateway model.
Specify the username of your account information.
Specify the password of your account information.