--2-- 8100 Rear Unload
I. The “Product Registration & Inspection Certificate” along with the original billing invoice “Owners Registration Form” must
be completed in full and promptly returned to Meyer Mfg. Corp. forthiswarranty to becomebothvalid and effective.Allwar
ranties on New Meyer Forage Boxes shall apply only
to the original retail customer from an authorized Meyer Mfg. Corp.
II. This warranty shall not
apply to any Meyer Forage Box which has been subjected to misuse, negligence, alteration, acci
operatingprocedures, orwhich shallhave beenrepaired withparts otherthan thoseobtained throughMeyer
Mfg. Corp.
III. Meyer Mfg. Corp. warrants New Meyer Forage Boxes to be free from defects in material and workmanship under recom
mended use and maintenance service, as stated in the Operator’s and Parts Manual," as follows:
A. Meyer Mfg. Corp.will repair or replace F.O.B. Dorchester, WI, asMeyer Mfg. Corp. elects, any part of anew Meyer
Forage Box which is defective in material or workmanship:
1. Without charge for either parts or labor during the first (1)yearfrom purchase datetothe original retail
2. Without chargefor parts only
during thesecond (2) year from purchase dateto the original retailcus
B. Inadditionto theabove basicwarranty,Meyer Mfg.Corp. willrepair orreplaceF.O. B.Dorchester, WIas MeyerMfg.
Corp. elects:
1. Any part of the following which is defective in material or workmanship (not neglect to recommended
use and service) without charge for parts only
(not labor) during the stated time periods from date of
purchase to the original retail customer:
Five (5) Years: The D667XH pintle main apron chain assembly.
2. Any part of the following which is defective in material or workmanship (not neglect to recommended
use and service)with a“pro-rated” chargefor parts only
(not labor) duringthe statedtime periodfrom
date of purchase to the original retail customer:
Ten (10) Years: a. The all welded steel frame box structure.
IV. COMMERCIAL USE: Coverageas in paragraphIII A1 ONLY,except warranty coverageis for(90) days forparts and labor
to the original commercial retail customer.
V. Repairseligible for labor warranty mustbe made by Meyer Mfg.Corp. or an authorized Meyerdealership. The original retail
customer is responsiblefor the transportationof the foragebox tothe dealership forwarranty serviceor for anyservice call
VI. Except as stated above, Meyer Mfg. Corp. shall not be liable for injuries or damages of any kind or nature, direct, conse
quential, or contingent, to persons or property. This warranty does not extend to loss of crop or for any other reasons.
VII. Noperson isauthorized togive anyother warranties orto assumeany otherobligation on MeyerMfg. Corp.’s.behalf unless
madeorassumed inwritingby MeyerMfg.Corp. Thiswarranty isthesole andexclusivewarranty whichis applicableincon
nection with the manufacture and sale of this product and Meyer Mfg. Corp.’s responsibility is limited accordingly
Optional Equipment-Tarp, scales etc. warranty-See original equipment warranty.