After each use, ensure ON/STOP switch is
inthe STOP position, thenclean all sawdust
from the guide bar and sprocket hole.
To maintain guide bar:
S Move ON/STOP switch to the STOP posi-
S Loosen and remove bar nuts and chain
brake. Remove bar and chain from saw .
S Clean theoil holes andbargroove aftereach
5 hours of operation.
Remove Sawdust From
Guide Bar Groove
Oil Holes
S Burring of guide bar rails is a normal
process of rail wear. Remove these burrs
with a flat file.
S Whenrailtopisuneven,useaflatfiletore-
store square edges and sides.
Correct GrooveWorn Groove
File Rail Edges
and Sides
Replaceguide bar when thegroove i sworn,
the guide bar is bent or cracked, or when
excess heatingorburringoftherailsoccurs.
If replacement is necessary,useonly theguide
barspecifiedforyoursawintherepairparts list
or on the decal located on the chain saw.
The spark plug should be replaced each
year to ensure the engine starts easier and
runs better . Ignition tim ing is fixed andnon-
1. Loosen 3 screws on cylinder cover.
2. Remove the cylinder cover.
3. Pull off the spark plug boot.
4. Remove spark plug from cylinder and
5. Replace with Champion RCJ--7Y spark
plug and tighten securely with a 19 mm
socket wrench. Spark plug gap should
be 0,5 mm.
6. Reinstall the spark plug boot.
7. Reinstall the cylinder cover and 3
screws. Tighten securely .
Plug Boot
WARNING: Failure to properly sharp-
en the chain considerably increases the risk of
Chain sharpening is a complicated task that
requires special tools. We recommend that
you referchain sharpeningto aprofessional
chain sharpener.
WARNING: Thechainwillbemoving
during most of this procedure. W ear your pro-
tective equipment and observe all safety pre-
cautions. The chain must not move at idle
The carburetor has been carefully set atthe
factory. Adjustments may be necessary if
you notice any of the following conditions:
S Chain moves at idle.See IDLESPEED--T
adjusting procedure.
S Saw willnot idle. SeeIDLESPEED--T ad-
justing procedure.
Idle Speed-- T
Allow engineto idle. If thechain moves, idle
istoofast. Iftheenginestalls,idleis tooslow.
Adjustspeeduntil engine runs withoutchain
movement (idle too fast) or stalling (idle too
slow). Theidlespeedscrew islocatedinthe
area above the primer bulb andis labeled T.
S Turnidle speed screw (T) clockwise to in-
crease engine speed.
S Turn idle speed screw (T) counterclock-
wise to decrease engine speed.