
14. Effect Key This key varies the mix of the stereo effects loop
between 0 and 12. At 0 only the direct signal is heard
and at 12 only the effected signal is heard. When at
12 the loop is effectively running in series i.e. no direct
signal. This is ideal for use with a graphic equalizer or
compressor limiter. As the effect parameter level is
reduced, more direct signal is introduced as with a
parallel loop. This is best suited to Chorus, Delay,
Reverb etc.
15. OD1 Key This key selects overdrive 1, a warm vintage drive
reminiscent of Marshall Super Lead amps through to
modern day Master Volumes.
16. OD2 Key Selects overdrive 2. This a tightly focused high gain
drive which can be smooth or aggressive depending on
the E.Q. and gain settings.
17. Bass Shift This is a subtle low frequency character control which
can be switched in or out of any sound selection.
18. Clean 1 Key Selects Clean 1, which has a full warm character and
pure vintage tone.
19. Clean 2 Key Selects Clean 2. This has a bright sparkling tone ideal
for clean picking and ringing chords.
20. MIDI-Mapping Key The mapping function enables the mapping of incoming
MIDI patch messages to internal patches and outgoing
MIDI patch numbers to external devices. (See MIDI
21. MIDI Channel Key This key selects the MIDI Channel on which the JMP-1
transmits and receives MIDI information.
22. Power Switch On/Off switch for mains power.
Please ensure the
apparatus is switched off and unplugged from the mains
electricity supply before being moved.
Rear Panel Features
23. Emulated Outputs Left and right outputs featuring Marshall speaker
emulation. The volume level from these outputs is
controlled by the volume level parameter key (8) not by
the output level control (3).
Operational Note: Stereo Speaker Emulation.
The Marshall speaker emulation circuit is a special filter which gives a signal virtually identical in sound to a
speaker cabinet. This allows you to link directly to the PA and obtain a stunning direct sound in a live situation. In
the studio it will give a true guitar tone direct to tape.
24. Emulated Level Selection Switch
Selection switch providing +4dB or -10dB output
levels on the speaker emulated outputs.
25. Master Outputs
Left and right outputs for connection to a power amplifier.
26. Master Level Selection Switch Gives +4dB or -10dB Master output level options.