
QD41/QD61/QD71 : CS4397
Reset - RST
Pin 1, Input
The device enters a low power mode and all internal state
machines registers are reset when low. When
high, the device will be in a normal operation mode .
0 Enabled
1 Normal operation mode
Digital Ground - DGND
Pins 6 and 9, Inputs
Digital ground reference.
Digital Power - VD
Pins 7 and 8, Input
Digital power supply. Typically 5.0 to 3.0 VDC.
Master Clock - MCLK
Pin 10, Input
The master clock frequency must be either 256x, 384x, 512x or
768x the input sample rate in Single
Speed Mode; either 128x, 192x 256x or 384x the input sample
rate in Double Speed Mode; or 64x, 96x
128x or 192x the input sample rate in Quad Speed Mode. Tables
4-6 illustrate the standard audio sample
rates and the required master clock frequencies.
Rate (kHz)
256x 384x 512x 768x
32 8.1920 12.2880 16.3840 24.5760
44.1 11.2896 16.9344 22.5792 33.8688
48 12.2880 18.4320 24.5760 36.8640
Table 4. Single Speed (16 to 50 kHz sample rates) Common Clock
Rate (kHz)
128x 192x 256x 384x
64 8.1920 12.2880 16.3840 24.5760
88.2 11.2896 16.9344 22.5792 33.8688
96 12.2880 18.4320 24.5760 36.8640
Table 5. Double Speed (50 to 100 kHz sample rates) Common Clock
Rate (kHz)
64x 96x 128x 192x
176.4 11.2896 16.9344 22.5792 33.8688
192 12.2880 18.4320 24.5760 36.8640
Table 6. Quad Speed (100 to 200 kHz sample rates) Common Clock
Serial Clock - SCLK
Pin 11, Input
Clocks individual bits of serial data into the SDATA pin. The
required relationship between the Left/Right
clock, serial clock and serial data is defi ned by either the Mode
Control Byte in Control Port Mode or the
M0 - M4 pins in Hardware Mode. The options are detailed in
Figures 29-33
Left/Right Clock - LRCK
Pin 12, Input
The Left/Right clock determines which channel is currently being
input on the serial audio data input,
SDATA. The frequency of the Left/Right clock must be at the input
sample rate. Audio samples in
Left/Right sample pairs will be simultaneously output from the
digital-to-analog converter whereas
Right/Left pairs will exhibit a one sample period difference. The
required relationship between the
Left/Right clock, serial clock and serial data is defi ned by the
Mode Control Byte and the options are de-
tailed in Figures 29-33
Serial Audio Data - SDATA
Pin 13, Input
Serial audio data is input on this pin. The selection of the Digital
Interface Format is determined by set-
tings of the Mode select as detailed in Figures 29-33. The data is
clocked into SDATA via the serial clock
and the channel is determined by the Left/Right clock. The
required relationship between the Left/Right
clock, serial clock and serial data is defi ned by the Mode Control
Byte and the options are detailed inin
Figures 29-33
Soft Mute - MUTE
Pin 15, Input
The analog outputs will ramp to a muted state when enabled. The
ramp requires 1152 left/right clock cy-
cles in Single Speed, 2304 cycles in Double Speed and 4608
cycles in Quad Speed mode. The bias volt-
age on the outputs will be retained and MUTEC will go active at
the completion of the ramp period.
The analog outputs will ramp to a normal state when this function
transitions from the enabled to disabled
state. The ramp requires 1152 left/right clock cycles in Single
Speed, 2304 cycles in Double Speed and
4608 cycles in Quad Speed mode. The MUTEC will release
immediately on setting MUTE = 1.
The converter analog outputs will mute when enabled. The bias
voltage on the outputs will be retained
and MUTEC will go active during the mute period.
0 Enabled
1 Normal operation mode
Control Port / Hardware Mode Select - C/H
Pin 16, Input
Determines if the device will operate in either the Hardware Mode
or Control Port Mode.
0 Hardware Mode Enabled
1 Control Port Mode Enabled
Mute Control - MUTEC
Pin 17, Output
The Mute Control pin goes low during power-up initialization,
reset, muting, master clock to left/right clock
frequency ratio is incorrect or power-down. This pin is intended to
be used as a control for an external mute
circuit to prevent the clicks and pops that can occur in any single
supply system. Use of Mute Control is not
mandatory but recommended for designs requiring the absolute
minimum in extraneous clicks and pops.