238 Appendix C MX5X CE .NET 4.2
MX5X Reference Guide E-EQ-MX5CERG-F-ARC
Control Panel Options CE .NET 4.2
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel or My Computer | Control Panel
Getting Help
Please tap the <?> box to get Help when changing Control Panel options.
Option Function
Accessibility Customize the way the keyboard, audio, display or mouse function for
users with hearing or viewing difficulties.
Administration LXE AppLock Administration utility. See Chapter 6 – AppLock for
Audio Set volume parameters and assign sound wav files to CE events. Adjust
the volume, record gain, and sidetone for headphone, software and
microphone. Set volume for Bay Digital, CRMA Radio and Mixer.
Aironet Client Utility Set the parameters for a Cisco client. (See Appendix C, section Wireless
Network Configuration for instruction.) Requires Windows CE .NET 4.2
operating system.
Certificates Manage digital certificates used for secure communication.
Date/Time Set Date, Time, Time Zone, and Daylight Savings.
Dialing Set dialup properties for internal modems (not supplied/supported by
Display Set background graphic, window/menu appearance parameters and set
backlight properties and timers.
Handheld Displays hardware and software details. Tabs are Versions, Comms,
Radios, Misc. Enable or disable the touch panel (see Handheld
Properties | Misc).
Input Panel Select the current key / data input method.
Internet Options Set General, Connection, Security and Advanced options for Internet
connectivity. CE 5 version added Privacy and Popups options.
Keyboard Set key repeat delay and key repeat rate.
Mouse Set the double-click sensitivity for stylus taps on the touch screen.
Network and Dial Up
Set network driver properties and network access properties.
Owner Set MX5X owner details (name, phone, etc) and Notes. Enter Network
ID for the device – user name, password, domain. Includes option to
display owner identification at power-on.
Password Set MX5X user access password properties.