E-EQ-MX7OGWW-C MX7 User’s Guide
The MX7 Hand Held Computer
Reboot Sequence
When the Windows CE desktop is displayed or an application begins, the power up (or reboot)
sequence is complete. If you have previously saved your settings, they will be restored on reboot.
Application changes are saved when OK is clicked on an application applet.
Warm Reset
Hold down the Power key for 15 seconds until the display blanks, then release the key. A warm
reset does not affect the operating system and no data loss occurs. The network connection will
need to be re-established.
Cold Reset
Important:-- Because of the extreme nature of the Cold Reset, LXE recommends that
the Cold Reset be used only as an emergency procedure and the Warm Reset be used
whenever necessary.
| Run and type COLDBOOT.EXE. Tap the OK button to coldboot the MX7. The default
settings are restored when the device powers on again.
Calibrating the touchscreen will need to be performed when the cold boot process is complete.
If needed, change the MX7 Time and Date from it’s factory default value by tapping the
Settings | Control Panel | Date/Time icon.
Saving Changes to the Registry
The MX7 saves the registry when you:
• Tap the
| Run | and type Warmboot.
• Perform a Suspend / Resume function (by pressing the Pwr key and then pressing it again).
• Install Restart in the Start menu by
| Run | CTL RESTART=1 and then tap | Restart.
The registry save process takes 5 – 10 seconds.
The registry is automatically saved every 20 minutes. It is also saved every tenth time the registry
settings are changed. Registry settings are changed when control panel applet (e.g. Date/Time)
parameters are changed by the user and a warm boot was not performed afterward.
When you tap | Run | and type Coldboot, factory default registry settings are loaded. All user
changes and settings are lost.