Closed-Caption Decoder
Functional Description
Panasonic Semiconductor Development Company MN102H75K/F75K/85K/F85K LSI User Manual
Panasonic HSYNC Separator
The HSYNC separator extracts the HSYNC signal from the composite sync
signal using the sampling clock generated by the sync separator clock pulse gen-
erator. This circuit also secures and interpolates the HSYNC signal.
As shown in figure 9-7, noise can cause the HSYNC detection circuit to both
miss HSYNC pulses and add erroneous ones. The HSYNC separator contains a
window circuit to correct these errors. The open and close timing for this window
is set in the HSEP1 and HSEP2 registers, and the unit is the sampling clock for
the HSYNC separator.
The circuit counts a corrected and interpolated HSYNC signal. If the count is
greater than that set in the HLOCKLV register, within the interval set in the
HDISTW register, the HLOCK bit of HVCOND sets to 0, indicating an asyn-
chronous state. This allows the device to determine the quality of the signal.
Table 9-6 Control Registers for Sync Separator Circuit
Register Page
Address Description
Register for setting the sync separator level
SPLV 244 x’007ECA’ x’007EEA’ Sync separator level set register
Register for controlling the sync separator clock
FQSEL 243 x’007EC2’ x’007EE2’ Frequency select register
Registers for controlling the HSYNC separator
HSEP1 246 x’007ECE’ x’007EEE’ HSYNC separator control register 1
HSEP2 246 x’007ED0’ x’007EF0’ HSYNC separator control register 2
HLOCKLV 246 x’007ED4’ x’007EF4’ Sync separator detection control register 1
HDISTW 247 x’007ED6’ x’007EF6’ Sync separator detection control register 2
Register for controlling the VSYNC separator
VCNT 247 x’007ED8’ x’007EF8’ VSYNC separator control register
Register for controlling the field detection
FIELD 246 x’007ED2’ x’007EF2’ Field detection control register
Register for monitoring the sync separator status
HVCOND 247 x’007EDA’ x’007EFA’ Sync separator status register
Figure 9-7 HSYNC Securement and Interpolation
Window open
HSEP2 setting
HSEP1 setting
resulting from
Detected HSYNC
Window for securing
and interpolating HSYNC
Secured and
interpolated HSYNC