On-Screen Display
MN102H75K/F75K/85K/F85K LSI User Manual Panasonic Semiconductor Development Company
CHP: Character Horizontal Position Control Code ID Code: 11
Specifies the H size of the characters on the next line.
00: 1 dot = 1 VCLK period
01: 1 dot = 2 VCLK periods
10: 1 dot = 3 VCLK periods
11: 1 dot = 4 VCLK periods
Specifies shutter operation for the next line. Setting this bit to 1 disables
the shuttering function. You can disable and enable shuttering on a line-by-
line basis.
0: Enable
1: Disable
Specifies a VCLK indicating the horizontal start position for the next line.
1024 steps are available.
CVP: Character Vertical Position Control Code ID Code: 11
Specifies the last line in the internal RAM text layer. This resets the line
pointer for character reads from the internal RAM to the first line.
0: Disable
1: Enable
In closed-caption mode, only the
b’00’, b’01’, and b’11’ settings
are available for CVSZ[1:0]. The
b’10’ setting is reserved.
Specifies the V size of the characters on the next line.
00: 1 dot = 1 H scan line
01: 1 dot = 2 H scan lines
10: 1 dot = 4 H scan lines
11: 1 dot = 6 H scan lines
Specifies an OSD interrupt.
0: Disable
1: Enable
Specifies an H scan line indicating the vertical start position for the next
line. 1024 steps are available.
Graphics Layer
GTC: Graphic Tile Code ID Code: 00
Repeat blank/repeat tile select.
0: Repeat blank
1: Repeat tile