Data Addendum Host-Based Controller Modem
June 15, 1998 AT Command Set
AT Command Summary (continued)
Version 1.0 Lucent Technologies Inc.
Table 2. AT Testing and Debugging Command Set Summary
Command Description Command Description
&&C Write to/read from host interface %T94 Test external DSP RAM
&&L Line-to-line loopback %T124 Return to on-chip DSP RAM
&&R Write to/read from DSP RAM location %T125 Load K56flex image to external DSP RAM
&&S Speaker codec loopback #UD Unimodem diagnostics
Table 3. The S-Register Summary
Register Default Description
S0 0 Automatic answer ring number
S1 0 Ring counter
S2 43 AT escape character
S3 13 Command line termination character
S4 10 Response formatting character
S5 8 Command line editing character
S6 2 Wait before dialing
S7 50 Connection completion time-out
S8 2 Comma dial modifier time
S10 20 Automatic disconnect delay
S11 95 DTMF dialing speed
S12 50 Escape guard time
S14 8 General bit-mapped options status
S21 48 V.24 bit-mapped options status
S22 112 Results bit-mapped options status
S24 10 Timer to control sleep mode
S28 1 V.34 modulation enable/disable
S30 0 Inactivity timer
S32 16 Synthetic ring volume
S33 0 Synthetic ring frequency
S35 0 Data calling tone
S36 7 Negotiation fallback
S37 0 Dial line rate
S38 1 Enable/disable K56flex settings
S42* 1 Auto rate
S43* 1 Auto mode
S48 7 LAPM error control and feature negotiation
S89 10 Timer to control sleep mode
S90 10 Local phone status
S91 15 Line transmit level
S108 7 Network codec type
* S-registers 42, and 43 are for test and debugging purposes only.